Forget ‘great,’ presidential hopeful Zoltan Istvan wants to make America immortal

“We believe science and technology can solve every single problem the best,” he said. “If you ask Obama, or if you ask Trump or Clinton, they’re going to say that they solve problems either on ethics, religious values, historical values, or based on the Constitution. Well, in the Transhumanist party, my campaign, we think everything can be answered best by the scientific method, hands down. It has to put a scientific or technological solution.””

Forget ‘great,’ presidential hopeful Zoltan Istvan wants to make America immortal
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Machines of Loving Grace. Interview with John Markoff. | Made me think !

“John Markoff: I feel strongly that the possibility of designing cyborgs, particularly with respect to intellectual prosthesis is a boundary we should cross with great caution. Remember the Borg from StarTrek. “Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.” I think the challenge is to use these systems to enhance human thought, not for social control.”

Machines of Loving Grace. Interview with John Markoff. | ODBMS Industry Watch
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The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2 -

“In an intelligence explosion—where the smarter a machine gets, the quicker it’s able to increase its own intelligence, until it begins to soar upwards—a machine might take years to rise from the chimp step to the one above it, but perhaps only hours to jump up a step once it’s on the dark green step two above us, and by the time it’s ten steps above us, it might be jumping up in four-step leaps every second that goes by.”

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2 - Wait But Why
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The truth about smart cities: ‘In the end, they will destroy democracy'

“The corporate smart-city rhetoric, he pointed out, was all about efficiency, optimisation, predictability, convenience and security. “You’ll be able to get to work on time; there’ll be a seamless shopping experience, safety through cameras, et cetera. Well, all these things make a city bearable, but they don’t make a city valuable.””

The truth about smart cities: ‘In the end, they will destroy democracy'
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AI Revolution 101 — AI Revolution — Medium -- must read !

“The Road to Artificial General Intelligence

Building a Computer as Smart as Humans

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a broad term for the advancement of intelligence in computers. Despite varied opinions on this topic, most experts agree that there are three categories, or calibers, of AI development. They are:

ANI: Artificial Narrow Intelligence

1st intelligence caliber. “AI that specializes in one area. There’s AI that can beat the world chess champion in chess, but that’s the only thing it does.”⁹

AGI: Artificial General Intelligence

2nd intelligence caliber. AI that reaches and then passes the intelligence level of a human, meaning it has the ability to “reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.”¹⁰

ASI: Artificial Super Intelligence

3rd intelligence caliber. AI that achieves a level of intelligence smarter than all of humanity combined — “ranging from just a little smarter … to one trillion times smarter.”¹¹”

AI Revolution 101 — AI Revolution — Medium
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